Source code for pyqubo.array

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from cpp_pyqubo import Binary, Spin, Base

import dimod
from dimod.decorators import vartype_argument
import numpy as np
from operator import mul, add
from six.moves import reduce

[docs]class Array: """Multi-dimensional array. Args: bit_list (list/:class:`numpy.ndarray`): The object from which a new array is created. Accepted input: * (Nested) list of :class:`Express`, :class:`Array`, int or float. * numpy.ndarray Attributes: shape (tuple[int]): Shape of this array. Example: Create a new array with Binary. >>> from pyqubo import Array, Binary >>> Array.create('x', shape=(2, 2), vartype='BINARY') Array([[Binary(x[0][0]), Binary(x[0][1])], [Binary(x[1][0]), Binary(x[1][1])]]) Create a new array from a nested list of :class:`Express`. >>> array = Array([[Binary('x0'), Binary('x1')], [Binary('x2'), Binary('x3')]]) >>> array Array([[Binary(x0), Binary(x1)], [Binary(x2), Binary(x3)]]) Get the shape of the array. >>> array.shape (2, 2) Access an element with index. >>> array[0, 0] # = array[(0, 0)] Binary(x0) Use slice ":" to select a subset of the array. >>> array[:, 1] # = array[(slice(None), 1)] Array([Binary(x1), Binary(x3)]) >>> sum(array[:, 1]) (Binary(x1)+Binary(x3)) Use list or tuple to select a subset of the array. >>> array[[0, 1], 1] Array([Binary(x1), Binary(x3)]) >>> array[(0, 1), 1] Array([Binary(x1), Binary(x3)]) Create an array from numpy array. >>> import numpy as np >>> Array(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) Array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) Create an array from list of :class:`Array`. >>> Array([Array([1, 2]), Array([3, 4])]) Array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) """ def __init__(self, bit_list): if isinstance(bit_list, np.ndarray): self.shape = bit_list.shape self.bit_list = bit_list.tolist() elif isinstance(bit_list, list): def get_shape(l): if isinstance(l, list) or isinstance(l, Array) or isinstance(l, np.ndarray): length = len(l) shape_set = {get_shape(e) for e in l} if len(shape_set) == 1: sub_shape = shape_set.pop() return tuple([length] + list(sub_shape)) else: raise ValueError('Cannot determine the shape of input nested list.') else: return tuple() def normalize_type(l): if isinstance(l, list): return [normalize_type(e) for e in l] elif isinstance(l, Array): return [normalize_type(e) for e in l.bit_list] elif isinstance(l, np.ndarray): return [normalize_type(e) for e in l.tolist()] else: return l self.shape = get_shape(bit_list) self.bit_list = normalize_type(bit_list) else: raise TypeError('argument should be ndarray or list') def __len__(self): return self.shape[0] def __getitem__(self, key): """Get a subset of this array. Args: key (int/tuple[int]): Index of array. Returns: :class:`Express`/:class:`Array`/int/float Example: >>> array = Array.create('x', (2, 3, 2), 'BINARY') >>> array Array([[[Binary(x[0][0][0]), Binary(x[0][0][1])], [Binary(x[0][1][0]), Binary(x[0][1][1])], [Binary(x[0][2][0]), Binary(x[0][2][1])]], [[Binary(x[1][0][0]), Binary(x[1][0][1])], [Binary(x[1][1][0]), Binary(x[1][1][1])], [Binary(x[1][2][0]), Binary(x[1][2][1])]]]) >>> array[0, 1, 1] Binary(x[0][1][1]) >>> array[:, :, 1] """ if isinstance(key, int): key = key, elif not isinstance(key, tuple): raise TypeError("Key should be int or tuple of int") def get_item(l, index): if len(index) > 1: current_index = index[0] if isinstance(current_index, int): return get_item(l[current_index], index[1:]) elif isinstance(current_index, list) or isinstance(current_index, tuple): return [get_item(l[i], index[1:]) for i in current_index] else: return [get_item(e, index[1:]) for e in l[current_index]] else: return l[index[0]] item = get_item(self.bit_list, key) if isinstance(item, list): return Array(item) else: return item def __repr__(self): nest_depth = len(self.shape) offset = len("Array(") def format_nested_list(nested_list, nest_count): if isinstance(nested_list[0], list): return '[{body}]'.format( body=',{line_feed}{indent}'.format( indent=' ' * (nest_count + offset), line_feed='\n' * (nest_depth - nest_count) ).join([format_nested_list(sub_list, nest_count+1) for sub_list in nested_list]) ) else: return '[%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, nested_list)) return 'Array({body})'.format(body=format_nested_list(self.bit_list, 1)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Array): return False else: return self.bit_list == other.bit_list def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) # math operation def __neg__(self): minus_one = Array.fill(-1, self.shape) return self * minus_one def __radd__(self, other): """It is called when `other(number) + self`""" return self.__add__(other) def __add__(self, other): """It is called when `self + other(any object)`""" return self.add(other) def __rsub__(self, other): """It is called when `other(number) - self`""" return (-self).add(other) def __sub__(self, other): """It is called when `self - other(any object)`""" return self.subtract(other) def __rmul__(self, other): """It is called when `other(number) * self`""" return self.__mul__(other) def __mul__(self, other): """It is called when `self * other(any object)`""" return self.mul(other) def __div__(self, other): """It is called when `self / other(any object)`""" return self.div(other) def __rdiv__(self, other): """It is called when `other(number) / self`""" raise ValueError("Number cannot be divided by Expression.") def __truediv__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """division in Python3""" return self.__div__(other) def __rtruediv__(self, other): # pragma: no cover """It is called when `other(number) / self`""" return self.__rdiv__(other) def __matmul__(self, other): # pragma: no cover return self.matmul(other)
[docs] def add(self, other): """Returns a sum of self and other. Args: other (:class:`Array`/:class:`ndarray`/int/float): Addend. Returns: :class:`Array` Example: >>> from pyqubo import Array, Binary >>> import numpy as np >>> array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')], [Binary('c'), 2]]) >>> array_b = Array([[Binary('d'), 1], [Binary('f'), Binary('g')]]) >>> array_a.add(array_b) # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)+Binary(d)), (Binary(b)+Num(1))], [(Binary(c)+Binary(f)), (Binary(g)+Num(2))]]) >>> array_a + array_b # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)+Binary(d)), (Binary(b)+Num(1))], [(Binary(c)+Binary(f)), (Binary(g)+Num(2))]]) Sum of self and scalar value. >>> array_a + 5 # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)+Num(5)), (Binary(b)+Num(5))], [(Binary(c)+Num(5)), 7]]) Sum of self and numpy ndarray. >>> array_a + np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)+Num(1)), (Binary(b)+Num(2))], [(Binary(c)+Num(3)), 6]]) """ return self._pairwise_op_with_type_check(other, lambda x, y: x + y)
[docs] def subtract(self, other): """Returns a difference between other and self. Args: other (:class:`Array`/:class:`ndarray`/int/float): Subtrahend. Returns: :class:`Array` Example: >>> from pyqubo import Array, Binary >>> import numpy as np >>> array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')], [Binary('c'), 2]]) >>> array_b = Array([[Binary('d'), 1], [Binary('f'), Binary('g')]]) >>> array_a.subtract(array_b) # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)+(Binary(d)*Num(-1))), (Binary(b)+Num(-1))], [(Binary(c)+(Binary(f)*Num(-1))), ((Binary(g)*Num(-1))+Num(2))]]) >>> array_a - array_b # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)+(Binary(d)*Num(-1))), (Binary(b)+Num(-1))], [(Binary(c)+(Binary(f)*Num(-1))), ((Binary(g)*Num(-1))+Num(2))]]) Difference of self and scalar value. >>> array_a - 5 # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)+Num(-5)), (Binary(b)+Num(-5))], [(Binary(c)+Num(-5)), -3]]) Difference of self and numpy ndarray. >>> array_a - np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)+Num(-1)), (Binary(b)+Num(-2))], [(Binary(c)+Num(-3)), -2]]) """ return self._pairwise_op_with_type_check(other, lambda x, y: x - y)
[docs] def mul(self, other): """Returns a multiplicity of self by other. Args: other (:class:`Array`/:class:`ndarray`/int/float): Factor. Returns: :class:`Array` Example: >>> from pyqubo import Array, Binary >>> import numpy as np >>> array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')], [Binary('c'), 2]]) >>> array_b = Array([[Binary('d'), 1], [Binary('f'), Binary('g')]]) >>> array_a.mul(array_b) # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)*Binary(d)), (Binary(b)*Num(1))], [(Binary(c)*Binary(f)), (Binary(g)*Num(2))]]) >>> array_a * array_b # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)*Binary(d)), (Binary(b)*Num(1))], [(Binary(c)*Binary(f)), (Binary(g)*Num(2))]]) Product of self and scalar value. >>> array_a * 5 # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)*Num(5)), (Binary(b)*Num(5))], [(Binary(c)*Num(5)), 10]]) Product of self and numpy ndarray. >>> array_a * np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)*Num(1)), (Binary(b)*Num(2))], [(Binary(c)*Num(3)), 8]]) """ return self._pairwise_op_with_type_check(other, lambda x, y: x * y)
[docs] def div(self, other): """Returns division of self by other. Args: other (int/float): Divisor. Returns: :class:`Array` Example: >>> from pyqubo import Array, Binary >>> array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')], [Binary('c'), 2]]) >>> array_a / 5 # doctest: +SKIP Array([[(Binary(a)*Num(0.2)), (Binary(b)*Num(0.2))], [(Binary(c)*Num(0.2)), 0.4]]) """ if not isinstance(other, Array): return self * (other ** -1) else: raise ValueError("Expression cannot be divided by Expression.")
[docs] @staticmethod @vartype_argument('vartype') def create(name, shape, vartype): """Create a new array with Spins or Binary. Args: name (str): Name of the matrix. It is used as a part of the label of variables. For example, if the name is 'x', the label of `(i, j)` th variable will be ``x[i][j]``. shape (int/tuple[int]): Dimensions of the array. vartype (:class:`dimod.Vartype`/str/set, optional): Variable type of the solution. Accepted input values: * :class:`.Vartype.SPIN`, ``'SPIN'``, ``{-1, 1}`` * :class:`.Vartype.BINARY`, ``'BINARY'``, ``{0, 1}`` Example: >>> from pyqubo import Array >>> array = Array.create('x', shape=(2, 2), vartype='BINARY') >>> array # doctest: +SKIP Array([[Binary(x[0][0]), Binary(x[0][1])], [Binary(x[1][0]), Binary(x[1][1])]]) >>> array[0] # doctest: +SKIP Array([Binary(x[0][0]), Binary(x[0][1])]) """ if isinstance(shape, int): shape = shape, if vartype == dimod.Vartype.BINARY: var_class = Binary else: var_class = Spin def var_name(_name, index): return "{name}{index_repr}".format( name=_name, index_repr=''.join(['[%d]' % i for i in index])) def create_structure(index): return {var_name(name, index): tuple([name] + index)} def generator(index): var_label = var_name(name, index) e = var_class(var_label) return e return Array._create_with_generator(shape, generator)
[docs] @staticmethod def fill(obj, shape): """Create a new array with the given shape, all filled with the given object. Args: obj (int/float/:class:`Express`): The object with which a new array is filled. shape (tuple[int]): Shape of the array. Returns: :class:`Array`: Created array. Example: >>> from pyqubo import Array, Binary >>> Array.fill(Binary('a'), shape=(2, 3)) Array([[Binary(a), Binary(a), Binary(a)], [Binary(a), Binary(a), Binary(a)]]) """ return Array._create_with_generator(shape, lambda _: obj)
@staticmethod def _create_with_generator(shape, generator): """Returns an array with objects which `generator` created. Args: shape (tuple[int]): Shape of the array. generator (list[int] =>:class:`Express`): Function to generate :class:`Express`:. Type of the argument of the generator is ``list[int]``. Returns: :class:`Array`: Created array. """ _shape_list = list(shape) def create_internal(shape_list, index): if len(shape_list) > 1: length = shape_list[0] return [create_internal(shape_list[1:], index + [i]) for i in range(length)] else: length = shape_list[0] return [generator(index+[i]) for i in range(length)] return Array(create_internal(_shape_list, [])) def _pairwise_op_with_type_check(self, other, operation): """Pairwise operation with type check. Args: other (:class:`Array`/:class:`ndarray`/int/float): The other object in operation. operation (:class:`Express`, :class:`Express` => :class:`Express`): Operation. Returns: :class:`Array` """ if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): other = Array(other) elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float) or isinstance(other, Base): other = Array.fill(other, self.shape) elif not isinstance(other, Array): raise TypeError('Operation of Array cannot be done with type:{type}' .format(type=type(other))) return self._pairwise_op(other, operation) def _pairwise_op(self, other, operation): """Pairwise operation Args: other (:class:`Array`): The other object in operation. operation (:class:`Express`, :class:`Express` => :class:`Express`): Operation Returns: :class:`Array` """ if not isinstance(other, Array): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError('Type of `other` is not a `Array` instance.') elif not self.shape == other.shape: raise ValueError('Shape of other is not same as that of self.') else: def operate(l1, l2): if isinstance(l1, list): return [operate(e1, e2) for e1, e2 in zip(l1, l2)] else: return operation(l1, l2) return Array(operate(self.bit_list, other.bit_list)) @property def T(self): """Returns a transposed array. Example: >>> from pyqubo import Array >>> array = Array.create('x', shape=(2, 3), vartype='BINARY') >>> array Array([[Binary(x[0][0]), Binary(x[0][1]), Binary(x[0][2])], [Binary(x[1][0]), Binary(x[1][1]), Binary(x[1][2])]]) >>> array.T Array([[Binary(x[0][0]), Binary(x[1][0])], [Binary(x[0][1]), Binary(x[1][1])], [Binary(x[0][2]), Binary(x[1][2])]]) """ def generator(index): return self[tuple(index[::-1])] return Array._create_with_generator(self.shape[::-1], generator)
[docs] def dot(self, other): """Returns a dot product of two arrays. Args: other (:class:`Array`): Array. Returns: :class:`Express`/:class:`Array` Example: Dot calculation falls into four patterns. 1. If both `self` and `other` are 1-D arrays, it is inner product of vectors. >>> from pyqubo import Array, Binary >>> array_a = Array([Binary('a'), Binary('b')]) >>> array_b = Array([Binary('c'), Binary('d')]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP ((Binary(a)*Binary(c))+(Binary(b)*Binary(d))) 2. If `self` is an N-D array and `other` is a 1-D array,\ it is a sum product over the last axis of `self` and `other`. >>> array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')], [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]]) >>> array_b = Array([Binary('e'), Binary('f')]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP Array([((Binary(a)*Binary(e))+(Binary(b)*Binary(f))), \ ((Binary(c)*Binary(e))+(Binary(d)*Binary(f)))]) 3. If both `self` and `other` are 2-D arrays, it is matrix multiplication. >>> array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')], [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]]) >>> array_b = Array([[Binary('e'), Binary('f')], [Binary('g'), Binary('h')]]) >>> # doctest: +SKIP Array([[((Binary(a)*Binary(e))+(Binary(b)*Binary(g))), \ ((Binary(a)*Binary(f))+(Binary(b)*Binary(h)))], [((Binary(c)*Binary(e))+(Binary(d)*Binary(g))), \ ((Binary(c)*Binary(f))+(Binary(d)*Binary(h)))]]) 4. If `self` is an N-D array and `other` is an M-D array (where N, M>=2),\ it is a sum product over the last axis of `self` and\ the second-to-last axis of `other`. If N = M = 3,\ (i, j, k, m) element of a dot product of `self` and `other` is: .. code-block:: python dot(self, other)[i,j,k,m] = sum(self[i,j,:] * other[k,:,m]) >>> array_a = Array.create('a', shape=(3, 2, 4), vartype='BINARY') >>> array_a.shape (3, 2, 4) >>> array_b = Array.create('b', shape=(5, 4, 3), vartype='BINARY') >>> array_b.shape (5, 4, 3) >>> i, j, k, m = (1, 1, 3, 2) >>>[i, j, k, m] == sum(array_a[i, j, :] * array_b[k, :, m]) True Dot product with list. >>> array_a = Array([Binary('a'), Binary('b')]) >>> array_b = [3, 4] >>> # doctest: +SKIP ((Binary(a)*Num(3))+(Binary(b)*Num(4))) """ if isinstance(other, np.ndarray) or isinstance(other, list): other = Array(other) if not isinstance(other, Array): raise TypeError("Type of argument should be Array") # pattern 1 (see docstring) if len(self.shape) == 1 and len(other.shape) == 1 and self.shape[0] == other.shape[0]: return sum(self.mul(other)) # pattern 2 elif len(self.shape) == 2 and len(other.shape) == 1: return Array([sum(v * other) for v in self]) # pattern 3 and 4 else: return self._dot_matrix(other)
def _dot_matrix(self, other): """Returns a dot product of N-D array self and M-D array other (where N, M>=2). """ assert isinstance(other, Array), "Type should be Array, not {type}".format(type=type(other)) assert self.shape[-1] == other.shape[-2],\ "self.shape[-1] should be equal other.shape[-2].\n" +\ "For more details, see" vector_indices = slice(0, self.shape[-1], None) new_shape = self.shape[:-1] + other.shape[:-2] + (other.shape[-1],) def generator(index): half = len(self.shape) - 1 index_self = tuple(index[:half]) + (vector_indices,) index_other = tuple(index[half:-1]) + (vector_indices,) + (index[-1],) vector_self = self[index_self] vector_other = other[index_other] return sum(vector_self * vector_other) return Array._create_with_generator(new_shape, generator)
[docs] def matmul(self, other): """Returns a matrix product of two arrays. Note: You can use operator symbol '@' instead of :obj:`matmul()` in Python 3.5 or later version. >>> from pyqubo import Array >>> array_a = Array.create('a', shape=(2, 4), vartype='BINARY') >>> array_b = Array.create('b', shape=(4, 3), vartype='BINARY') >>> array_a @ array_b == array_a.matmul(array_b) True Args: other (:class:`Array`/:class:`numpy.ndarray`/list): Returns: :class:`Array`/:class:`Express` Example: Matrix product of two arrays falls into 3 patterns. 1. If either of the arguments is 1-D array, it is treated as a matrix where one is added to its dimension. >>> from pyqubo import Array, Binary >>> array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')], [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]]) >>> array_b = Array([Binary('e'), Binary('f')]) >>> array_a.matmul(array_b) # doctest: +SKIP Array([((Binary(a)*Binary(e))+(Binary(b)*Binary(f))), \ ((Binary(c)*Binary(e))+(Binary(d)*Binary(f)))]) 2. If both arguments are 2-D array, conventional matrix product is calculated. >>> array_a = Array([[Binary('a'), Binary('b')], [Binary('c'), Binary('d')]]) >>> array_b = Array([[Binary('e'), Binary('f')], [Binary('g'), Binary('h')]]) >>> array_a.matmul(array_b) # doctest: +SKIP Array([[((Binary(a)*Binary(e))+(Binary(b)*Binary(g))), \ ((Binary(a)*Binary(f))+(Binary(b)*Binary(h)))], [((Binary(c)*Binary(e))+(Binary(d)*Binary(g))), \ ((Binary(c)*Binary(f))+(Binary(d)*Binary(h)))]]) 3. If either argument is N-D (where N > 2), it is treated as an array whose element is a 2-D matrix of last two indices. In this example, `array_a` is treated as if it is a vector whose elements are two matrices of shape (2, 3). >>> array_a = Array.create('a', shape=(2, 2, 3), vartype='BINARY') >>> array_b = Array.create('b', shape=(3, 2), vartype='BINARY') >>> (array_a @ array_b)[0] == array_a[0].matmul(array_b) True """ if isinstance(other, np.ndarray) or isinstance(other, list): other = Array(other) assert isinstance(other, Array), "Type should be Array, not {type}".format(type=type(other)) # pattern 1 (see docstring) if len(self.shape) == 1 or len(other.shape) == 1: return # pattern 2 and 3 else: return self._matmul_matrix(other)
def _matmul_matrix(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Array), "Type should be Array, not {type}".format(type=type(other)) assert len(self.shape) >= 2 and len(other.shape) >= 2, "Shape should be greater than 2" assert self.shape[-1] == other.shape[-2], \ "self.shape[-1] should be equal other.shape[-2].\n" + \ "For more details, see" self_shape_len = len(self.shape) other_shape_len = len(other.shape) common_len = min(self_shape_len, other_shape_len) for s1, s2 in zip(self.shape[-common_len:-2], other.shape[-common_len:-2]): assert s1 == s2, "Shape doesn't match." longer_shape = self.shape if self_shape_len > other_shape_len else other.shape new_shape = longer_shape[:-2] + (self.shape[-2], other.shape[-1]) def generator(index): mat_index_self = tuple(index[-self_shape_len:][:-2]) mat_index_other = tuple(index[-other_shape_len:][:-2]) mat_self = self[mat_index_self] if mat_index_self != () else self mat_other = other[mat_index_other] if mat_index_other != () else other j = index[-1] i = index[-2] return mat_self[i, :].dot(mat_other[:, j]) return Array._create_with_generator(new_shape, generator) @staticmethod def _calc_steps(shape): """Returns steps of shape. Step is used to create an 1-dim index from n-dim index like >>> steps = Array._calc_steps(shape) >>> one_dim_index = sum(step * i for step, i in zip(steps, n_dim_index)) """ steps = [] tmp_d = 1 for d in shape[::-1]: steps.append(tmp_d) tmp_d *= d steps = steps[::-1] return steps
[docs] def reshape(self, new_shape): """Returns a reshaped array. Args: new_shape (tuple[int]): New shape. Example: >>> from pyqubo import Array >>> array = Array.create('x', shape=(2, 3), vartype='BINARY') >>> array Array([[Binary(x[0][0]), Binary(x[0][1]), Binary(x[0][2])], [Binary(x[1][0]), Binary(x[1][1]), Binary(x[1][2])]]) >>> array.reshape((3, 2, 1)) Array([[[Binary(x[0][0])], [Binary(x[0][1])]],\ [[Binary(x[0][2])], [Binary(x[1][0])]],\ [[Binary(x[1][1])], [Binary(x[1][2])]]]) """ assert reduce(mul, self.shape) == reduce(mul, new_shape),\ "cannot reshape array of size {p} into shape {new_shape}".format( p=reduce(mul, self.shape), new_shape=new_shape) def calc_one_dim_array(nested_list): if isinstance(nested_list, list): return reduce(add, [calc_one_dim_array(e) for e in nested_list]) else: return [nested_list] # create an 1-dim array from the n-dim array one_dim_array = calc_one_dim_array(self.bit_list) new_steps = Array._calc_steps(new_shape) def generator(index): # create an index for 1-dim array from the given index one_dim_index = sum(step * i for step, i in zip(new_steps, index)) return one_dim_array[one_dim_index] return Array._create_with_generator(new_shape, generator)